No, just because the shoe fits, you don’t have to wear them.

Terry Louise
2 min readSep 9, 2021

Have you ever bought shoes because they fit but when you wore them they were not comfortable, something didn’t feel right?

For twenty years my family walked on the religious mountain and there we served the less fortunate with food, clothing and necessary resources to get them to the next level and share the gospel message with them. In 2009 when we moved and made the switch to the arts and entertainment industry I needed to look for a new outlet to help the poor, displaced, the sick, widowed and orphaned. I began to learn of give back organizations, also known as social enterprise which led me to discover social justice.

This seemed like the perfect way to bring awareness to others on these issues, so I “bought the shoes”. I began to realize that the social justice warriors were driven by compassion and love, which shouldn’t be a bad thing however it was attracting narratives and lies that didn’t match my beliefs. Justice isn’t about what I think happened, but what did happen, it’s about knowing and telling the whole truth. I started to get real uncomfortable and didn’t believe Jesus would wear these type of shoes. After all Jesus is Truth.

Justice requires intense investigation of facts on both sides. It stands merely on righteousness, God’s moral order. That is true justice.

“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; mercy and truth go before you.”- Psalm 89:14

Thankful for the blisters (lessons) I got wearing them but I returned my Social Justice shoes. they just weren’t for me.



Terry Louise

Author & Holistic Coach | Sharing the steps I took that got me here, and what keeps me going, focusing on faith, food and family.